A Picture of Four People Doing SNUBA.

Distinctions of SNUBA and Scuba Diving

When we go on a tropical vacation to places like the Bahamas or Maui, we typically want to explore the ocean below. Getting to swim and look at all of the colorful marine life and coral reef can provide you with some of the best memories. Many people consider snorkeling because it is an easy way to swim in the ocean while exploring, but the bad thing about snorkeling is that you can’t go very deep due to running out of air. One of the appeals of swimming in the ocean is seeing all of the beautiful fish and coral, but there are many fish and coral reefs that are deeper than 5 feet, which is a lot deeper than most people want to swim down to. The good news is snorkeling isn’t a person’s only option–they can also consider scuba diving or SNUBA. When choosing whether you want to go scuba diving or to SNUBA, you might want to know what their differences are. Below we will discuss which each is and how they differ from one another.

What is Scuba Diving?

Many people who want to spend longer periods of time in the water lean towards scuba diving, but what is scuba diving? Scuba diving, or Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus, is an activity that allows us to breathe underwater while we swim in the sea or ocean. Using a regulator and a tank of air, people are able to go about 100 feet into the ocean, which allows them to explore parts of the ocean you wouldn’t be able to with a traditional snorkeling mask. One thing to note is that not anybody can scuba dive–in order to scuba dive on a vacation, you have to have your scuba certification. This is a certification that states a person has gone through the proper training to learn how to scuba dive. The reason that certification is needed is that you need to learn how to use the scuba diving equipment, how to breathe with the regulator, and what to do if something goes wrong. There is always the potential that nitrogen narcosis or decompression sickness can occur, so it’s crucial to know what to do in those situations; without a scuba certification, you won’t have the knowledge to properly dive.

Is Scuba Diving Safe?

Scuba diving is a very safe water activity if you know what you are doing. That is why it is so important to take scuba diving lessons and earn a scuba diving license. Being responsible and realizing that it is serious is the first step in keeping yourself safe. Yes, it’s important to have fun and enjoy yourself while you scuba dive, but you can stay safe and have fun at the same time. It’s crucial to relax and not rush yourself–if you are relaxed then it’s going to be a better time for you. The most common things that people talk about while scuba diving is decompression sickness and nitrogen narcosis. Decompression sickness is when your body tissue has absorbed too much nitrogen, which causes nitrogen bubbles in the tissue. When we dive, we use compressed air to breathe–breathing in compressed air in deep water causes our body tissue to absorb nitrogen; if there is too much nitrogen, that is when the bubbles can form. Nitrogen narcosis is the feeling of being inebriated while in 80 to 100 feet of water. It’s not necessarily dangerous, but it can cloud your judgment, which is why you need more certifications in order to dive that deep. To avoid these types of things happening, as well as arterial air embolism (which is very rare) proper diving certifications are critical.

What is SNUBA?

A Picture of a Group of People SNUBA with Sea Turtle.

Learn About SNUBA

If you are looking for an easy way to dive at deeper depths without a scuba certification, SNUBA is an excellent alternative. SNUBA is a combination of snorkeling and scuba diving, that allows you to dive at 20 feet without lugging around heavy equipment or worrying if you are going to get sick. With scuba diving, you have to know how to use the equipment, as well as being certified, but with SNUBA it only requires a 15-minute safety instruction and then you can go on a tour with a SNUBA guide! Another thing about scuba diving and snorkeling is that you have to drive to a meet-up place and get on a boat in order to dive at a certain location. This can be stressful if you have children who aren’t allowed to go or you can’t leave your hotel or resort for some reason. SNUBA makes it easy because they come to your specific hotel and resort and SNUBA right off the beach. Another great thing is that kids as young as six can SNUBA, which is a program called SNUBA doo. If scuba diving appeals to you, but you don’t have time to get certified and you want to be able to swim and explore right on your hotel or resort’s beach, SNUBA is a wonderful option.

How Do You SNUBA?

SNUBA not only doesn’t require certification, it is incredibly easy to do. If you want to SNUBA you don’t have to go through a long class to learn about it–all it takes is a 15-minute safety demonstration, then a review of what the 15-minute safety talk covered. Once that has been completed, you are free to SNUBA. While scuba diving requires someone to wear a air tank on their back, SNUBA doesn’t require that. You will still need an air tank and a regulator, as you will get to dive at least 20 feet. The air tank will be floating on top of a raft that connects to an air line and to the harness that you will wear. SNUBA requires you to wear a couple of things

  • SNUBA harness
  • Weight belt
  • Fins
  • Mask
  • Regulator

Your air tank will follow you wherever you go, as the air line that is attached to the air tank will be connected to the harness. Because you don’t have to carry a huge water tank, you can enjoy diving without extra weight on you. SNUBA gives you more freedom than scuba diving and snorkeling and is very safe and fun for your entire family. If you are interested in SNUBA while you are in Maui, book with us now!